Hover Phenix is dedicated to providing quality articles and blog posts to our valued readers. Our blog posts are written on a variety of niches including business, cryptocurrencies, and health. Our ultimate goal is to provide excellent reader satisfaction through quality service of our blog site.
Hover Phenix Privacy Policy
At Hover Phoenix, we take the privacy concerns of our readers into consideration when using our website. Our Website Privacy Policy stipulates how our website collects, uses, discloses, and stores information in order to better serve our readers.
Our team strives to provide you with the best content while protecting your privacy. However, a thing to note is that our privacy policy applies only if you voluntarily share information on our website. All links to third-party websites and leakage of information through these websites do not apply to our website’s privacy policy.
Data Gathered By Our Blog Site
Our blog site collects data in different ways. Some information that we collect is provided through registration forms, comments, and email. The common information that we collect are mostly voluntarily submitted by the readers themself which includes your name, email address, phone number and message content.
However, some of the data is also collected from the system and software. The data collected by our system includes your IP address, geographic location, and website information. Overall, we only collect information that does not endanger the privacy of our readers.
Moreover, we also want to keep our readers informed that connecting to the site in the form of comments or comments is public and is not covered by the site’s privacy policy.
How We Use the Collected Information
The data and information that is collected by Hover Phenix is used in following ways:
- It helps making the website and its services easily accessible
- Helps improve your visit and experience on the blog site
- Help us present you with favorable advertisements that might interest you
By visiting our website and using the services of Hover Phenix, you are giving your consent to the privacy policy of our website and agreeing to the terms stated in it.
Hover Phenix uses cookies to collect clickstreams, log files and browser data. Cookies are used to analyze the collected data to create a high standard logging system. The data on our system is then used to create a personalized experience for visitors of the website.
With cookies, it becomes easier for websites to connect the users with their favorable content and give them suggestions accordingly.
Third Parties
Like every other website on the internet, Hover Phenix is also connected with various sponsors and third-party advertiser websites. This association is because we like to make the visit of our users on our website more exciting and helpful as well. When you are using our website and you decide to visit any of these associated third-party websites, it is our duty to inform you that our privacy policy will not be applicable on these websites.
Once you are redirected to any other website from Hover Phenix, only that particular website’s privacy policy will be applicable. It is best to go through the privacy policy of any connected website you visit before interacting with them or sharing any information on the website.
Contact Us
All the necessary information that a visitor might be curious to know, are shared and stated in our privacy policy. Our privacy policy is designed with the best interest of our readers in mind and does not harm anyone’s privacy in any way.
If you are concerned about something or want to discuss anything with us, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Last Updated: 19th May 2024